We make dreams become reality. 

You dream big; that's how you got here. Now, start living the dreams you've always had. 


  • Seminars: How To Become a Real Estate Investor, How To Make Your Rent Work for You, Creating A Nest Egg with Real Estate, Renter to Owner and more.
  • One-on-One Mentoring available with other Investors and Marketers, .
  • Access to the Top NC and SC REALTORS 
  • OnSite previews and Cost Analysis services.
  • Unparalleled, Quality, Trustworthy  Professional service 

​​You deserve to recline in luxury's lap. 

When you work hard, you deserve sublime respite.

Renting, Buying or Investing.... 

We make magical connections between customers and properties. 


  • Is this property right for you? 
  • Rent vs Own
  • Location, Location, Location 
  • What does the future hold
  • Open yourself to a world of opportunity 

Where you live is where you are.

Reflect yourself and your accomplishments at home.


​Investing at all levels. 

Flip Homes, Rentals...each bring positive returns and positive cash flow.

Telephone: 980.216.9393


Find your property

Invest in the future you're creating. 

Timeless style is worth every penny.



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Affluent Enterprises Twitter Page

We want what's best for you. 

We cultivate a personal one-on-one relationship with each person we interact with. Whether you are a Seller, Buyer/Investor, Renter, Vendor or a Neighbor we value getting to know you and understanding your needs. Here at Affluent Enterprises, LLC  we always strive to be a positive impact on our community.

We want what's right for you.

Our Team has access to a great networking group of Loan Officers, Contractors, Marketers and other professionals in the industry that can help guide you with your needs.